Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Coffee is hazardous??

Everyone has their own verdict and opinion regarding health cautious facts. Nonetheless, sometimes these misleading facts create myths and eventually become a taboo in society. 

I would like to share one infamous myth regarding coffee intake. 

Some say coffee is not good for health and some say otherwise.

Basically these two opinions are right. 

GOOD- yes, coffee is good for our health. The sufficient amount of coffee can help to protect our body from cancer cells. (I read this somewhere)

UNHEALTHY- it's hazardous if the intake is excessive and more than what your body could take.

I repeat EXCESSIVE!!

Today I woke up and flipped over an NST and stated in the LIFE&TIMES Health section was an interesting write up about MYTH DEBUNK by Michael Mosley. He posits a few counter arguments regarding health related myths that have been floating around for too long. One of it is about Coffee. His view is based on numerous retrospective studies where the benefits of coffee is carefully studied.

A report from "The Relationship of Coffee Consumption With Mortality" which was published in Annal of Internal Medicine" had found that moderate coffee intake appears to be mildly protective to our body. (This is what written in the section and I am not making it up)

So what is an ideal coffee intake?

It is suggested in the study and also other studies that the "most effective dose" is from 2 to 5 cups per day. Any additional more than that, all benefits for your health drop off. 

While some easily dozing off although they consume regardless of how much coffee, others might suffer the side effects of insomnia after taking the a good sip. 

Well, science always has the answer. Scientists figured out that caffeine has less effects if our liver produces TONS of enzyme CYPIA2. The higher level of enzyme CYPIA2, the more speedy clearance of caffeine out from our body. Hence, coffee seems do not have its effect to our sleeping rotation. 

It's a brief sharing but I guess a worthy one. If you have any extra info, you are welcome to drop in the comment box below. I hope you enjoy reading this and let's take good care of our health. 

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