Alhamdulillah Ya Allah, baru dua bulan buat business premium beautiful and biozone, segala penat lelah, perit merih, cabaran demi cabaran berbaloi dengan anugerah ini. I am finally promoted to be a Senior Sales Manager in 2 months exact. YAyyyyyyyy!! Rasa nk menjerit kuat-kuat mcm ni

(kalah Ning Baizura ok!)
The best part is I am not the one who got promoted but my business partner, Farouk Shah, are also appointed as Senior Sales Manager as well. So nanti weols akn naik pentas and ambil awards sama-sama, Insyallah. Congrats to both of us!!
(I know, cantek kn? ok bye.hahaha)
Haaa..dh naik pangkat ape yg weols dpt? Of course, our bonus rate has increased.
Yang bestnye, dapat lagi hadiah from our beloved leader iatu bakal DDM Ajue Rashid. Apa die? Penginapan percuma 2 hari satu mlm ni Hotel bertaraf bintang di mana-mana kami nak.
(Ok..fenin sekejap pilih hotel kat mana)
I know this is just the beginning and there are still many obstacles to come. Our journey in this business is still far and there are still many things need to be learnt. I realized that with bigger position, then comes great responsibility.
However, I am not afraid as I have my team and business partners who are the backbone of my business and leader from Green Leaders Group especially CDM Hanis Haizi, CDM Razali Zain and DSM Ajue Rashid who are continuously support and teach us how to grow professionally.
May all the experiences that I have gathered beforehand help me to grow more professionally in this business so that I can help all my business partners achieve the same.
Next target is Diamond Sales Manager and I am closer to the target now! Let's strive!
If I can do it, you can too. So, if anyone wants to know how exactly this business can offer you a better life, please contact me via phone 019-2994595 or email me at
Let's do it together!
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