Good Morning all. Are you ready to start your day?
Jom Stretch sambil posing over!
Gather all the positive energy by indulging yourself with the things that you like. This is very important as it serves as a boost for you to do all your business and daily chores with a happy and positive attitude. (Kita yang berbisnes ni apetah lg!) I am sure that we don't want our prospect business partners or customers to feel uncomfortable due to "our masalah hormon".Eh!!
So what you should do? These are two things I usually do and take every morning. Just to boost my positive attitude and feeling to start the day.
1. Listen to aspiring and cheerful songs

Monster by Big Bang. The beat is simply heart pumping. Kalau nk gelak sakan sampai pengsan..YES! Sampai pengsan ade parody dari Crew Radio Era. Listen to it and you'll laugh like crazy maniac.
The End of time/ Who Runs The World- Beyonce. Songs from our very own "Kakak Joyah" are really energetic that every beat makes you feel like dancing and "meroyan" all over the place. A really good one for cheering up your sadden life.
2. Morning Breaksfast like a King
Yes. The most essential part of our daily intake. Eat fresh home-made breakfast if possible. Indulge yourself with good food and good drinks in the morning. Other than giving you essential energy, it determines your feeling as
alah...mcm happy meal tu.
(Kalau yang ada orang gaji tu boleh suruh die belajar cara nk buat breakfast ala-ala yang kita suka. kalau xde jgn ngengade..buat sendiri.hehehe).
These are my current favourite breakfast. All home made and fresh from oven taw!
Pancake topped with vanilla ice cream, berries and apricot.
Hazelnut Coffee from OLD TOWN WHITE COFFEE ( yelah...nk beli Caramel Machiato kt Starbucks kt GM ni mana ada..choyyy!)
Set positive attitude and feeling before starting off your day. Thus, opportunities will come easily and business matter will become as smooth as baby skin. Eh! (ade kene mengena x?)
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